Friday, December 23, 2011

Xmas Beer 2011: Day 6-20

I have been so behind in updating this blog!!! (I am actually drinking my day 21st beer right now as I update this). I wrote everything down in my trusty yellow notebook, just never had the chance to transcribe it into my bloggy blog. Not that anyone ever reads this. But it serves as a diary and my own beer reference. 

I'm still a day or two behind, but here's the latest catch-up/update in backwards order. Here we go!

Day 20

Beer: Winter Solstice Seasonal Ale
Style: Ale with natural flavor added
Brewery: Anderson Valley Brewing Co
Region: Boonville, CA
Vol: ??%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: GOOD! for a canned beer. (I'm super descriptive on this one!)
Rating: 4/5


Day 19

Beer: Pumpkin Ale
Style: Ale
Brewery: Buffalo Bill's Bewery (Hey, this guy again! Same Brewery as my fav. Alimony Ale)
Region: ??
Vol: 5.2%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Extremely fizzy, sweet and very pumpkiny. I guess if you like pumpkin, you'll like this beer.
Rating: 3/5

Day 18

Beer: Kingfisher
Style: Lager
Brewery: United Breweries Limited
Region: Bangalore, India
Vol: ??%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Light, enjoyable and refreshing
Rating: 3.5/5


Day 17

Beer: Ellie's Brown Ale
Style: Ale
Brewery: Avery Brewing Co
Region: Boulder, Colorado
Vol: 5.5%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Light Ale, very drinkable. (I think I'm getting lazy on the descriptions now)
Rating: 4/5

Day 16

Beer: Woody Creek White
Style: Belgian Style Wit Beer
Brewery: Flying Dog (Seasonal) Brewery
Region: Frederick, MD
Vol: 4.8%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Uh oh! I didn't write anything down for this guy. I guess I'll have to drink it again!
Rating: blank

Day 15

Beer: Fire Rock
Style: Pale Ale
Brewery: Kona Brewing Co
Region: Hawaii
Vol: ??%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Good and drinkable. (I guess I didn't have much more to say about this guy except it's good, haha)
Rating: 4/5


Day 14

Beer: Firestone PALE (31)
Style: California Pale Ale
Brewery: Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
Region: California
Vol: 4.8%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Very smokey and malty with a slight tingly, hoppy aftertaste. Complex yet smooth. This is what good beer is about. Lots of flavor and no bitter watery taste.
Rating: 5/5


Day 13
Beer: Serria Nevada Celebration Ale
Style: Ale
Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co
Region: Chico, CA
Vol: 6.8%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Very hoppy and tingly with a lot of flavors and aromas. It's one of those holiday good stuff :)
Rating: 4.5/5

Day 12

Beer: Primo
Style: Lager
Brewery: Primo Brewing & Malt Co.
Region: Honolulu, Hawaii
Vol: ??%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Very light, watery and drinkable.
Rating: 3/5

Day 11

Beer: Holy GRAIL
Style: Ale
Brewery: Black Sheep Brewery
Region: Rechester, NY
Vol: ??%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Light bodied, very easy to drink but not exciting.
Rating: 3/5

Day 10

Beer: He'Brew Messiah Bold
Style: Dark Brown Ale
Brewery: Shmaltz Brewing Company
Region: Saratoga Springs, NY
Vol: ??%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Dark, a bit of fruity notes. But not overly strong. (I guess I didn't have much to say about this guy)
Rating: 3.5/5


Day 9

Beer: Blue Moon Winter Abbey Ale
Style: Ale
Brewery: Blue Moon Brewing Co
Region: Colorado, USA
Vol: 5.6%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Sensationally refreshing. I guess I am a bit biased today because I just came out of a hot shower into my warm heated room, and this cold beer really hit the spot! Malty, bit of hop, not overwhelmingly bitter, and some hints of winter spices. Super~
Rating: 3.75/5

Day 8

Beer: Alimony Ale
Style: IPA
Brewery: Buffalo Bill's Brewery
Region: Seattle, WA. Portland, OR. Berkeley, CA.
Vol: 6%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Woah, amazing shit after I tried the Red Horse Beer (and this really was right after!). Super flavorful, with lots of spices and hops. I was getting a bit drunk from the previous bad beer without food in stomach. But this one woke up my taste buds again. Incredible and Love! (perhaps I was a bit drunk when writing this in my notebook)
Rating: 5/5


Day 7

Beer: Red Horse Beer
Style: Lager
Brewery: San Miguel Brewery Inc.
Region: Manila, Philippines
Vol: 7%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Interesting, this is the first time I've had Filipino beer. Taste isn't impressive. You get an initial taste of bitterness, and then it's very watery and bland. I am ready for my next beer!
Rating: 1/5


Day 6

Beer: Liberty Ale
Style: Ale blend
Brewery: Anchor Brewing Co.
Region: San Francisco, CA, USA
Vol: 5.9%, 12 fl oz.
Taste: Another wonderful stuff from Anchor Brewing. Very smooth and easy to drink. Anchor never fails :)
Rating: 4/5

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