Thursday, October 29, 2009

More! posters.

More posters today! Since Halloween is just around the corner, I decided to make a gruesome poster. Somehow the thought of combining an arm with a tree trunk merged in my brain and resulted in this disturbing image. I actually really really enjoy making horror posters! I'm sure there will be more in the near future.

I'm also making a mystical pie poster for my awesome pie maker friend. She gave me her vision and I'm trying to make it come alive. It's also good practice for when I have real clients:) although i am treating her like a real client now. This makes unemployment fun ^_^

It's still a work in progress.


Meat a la Mode said...

Winnie, you have no idea how perfectly you captured exactly what was in my head with your Mystic Pie art! I gave you a short description via email -- but it seriously looks like you plucked it directly from my brain! You are INCREDIBLY talented! Thank you!!!

Popnea said...

Awesome posters W!